Perhaps more than any other time in history, we as individuals have the power, and possibly also the duty, to assume leadership roles in the creative realization of our own lives and transformation of the societies in which we live, toward a more inclusive co-existence on the planet we share.
If ever there was a time to "give the people what they didn't know they wanted", this is it. In reality, one note, charged with artistry, intent, and purpose, can change a life, forever. Whether performing live, composing, or producing music in the studio, those are the notes I'm looking for, the notes with meaning.
From economies of means to economies of scale; as creative director, advisor, or consultant; with SME's, NGO's, the international diplomatic corps, and entrepreneurs in various regions around the world, assisting each with fulfilling their mission to create, build, and realize beneficial contributions to society.
True Impact* programs are typically tailored toward or custom designed for collaborations with creative and performing arts organisations and institutions, educators and institutions of higher learning, corporate executive and management teams, and human resource departments.